Paint Paint can be stored for up to ten years. Keeping touch-up paint available will help you maintain your building without having to completely repaint. If you still have large amounts of paint, consider donating it to a community organisation that can use it. Alternatively, paint can be dropped off at the Waste Management Centre or at Household Hazardous Chemical Cleanout.
Paper All office paper, newspaper paper /cardboard products should be placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin. If this is full before your fortnightly collection date this can all be placed (along with food and green waste) can be placed into the lime green lidded food and green waste bin food, this is a good option if your fortnightly yellow lidded recycling bin is full.
Pet Waste Pet waste should be bagged appropriately and placed in your red lidded waste bin, this includes kitty litter.
Pizza Boxes Empty pizza boxes, containing no food scraps, can be recycled in your yellow lidded bin. Pizza boxes containing food scraps can be placed in your lime green lidded food and green waste bin.
Plastic Bags Only 3% of the 3.9 billion plastic bags used annually in Australia are recycled. While plastics bags of any kind CAN NOT be recycled through the kerbside collection system.
Plastic Lids Plastic lids should be removed from all containers prior to the containers and lids both being placed in the yellow lidded recycling bin.
Printer Cartridges Printer cartridges should be placed back in the original packaging or wrapped in plastic and they can be disposed of at:Bathurst Regional Council Civic Centre, JB Hi-Fi , Officeworks and Australia Post at no charge.