The Bathurst Community Directory provides residents and visitors with the best of both worlds: we can enjoy all the advantages of city living while capturing the best of country lifestyle and community spirit.
Receive your rates via email, by signing up for this option your bill will be delivered quicker, cheaper and better for the environment, allowing Council to provide better services elsewhere.
Council is currently reviewing its online services and will be introducing online payment forms in due course. Online services that are already available are listed in this article.
Rates paid to Council are used to fund essential services of Council, for example roads, waste, parks, museums, community services etc.
The Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 and accompanying regulation are in force from 1 November 2022, helping to protect valuable public spaces across NSW from abandoned and unattended items and animals.
Information for Residents thinking of installing a solar system.
Council provides ratepayers with vouchers for the Waste Management Centre and Museums with the July rate instalment notice.