
Please note that a surcharge of 0.42% will be applicable from 1 April 2024 on all credit card payments. Refer to Merchant Fees for further information.
Online Payments
- For the above online payments link using BPOINT you need a reference number. You can find the reference number on your rates notices next to the BPAY logo, quote Ref: 00xxxxxx. (Your reference number should be 8 digits).
- Cashiering Hours - 8:30am to 4:45pm weekdays.
- Instalment notices for Rate payments can be submitted to the Bathurst Regional Council Cashiers. Council accepts the following types of payment cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card.
- Alternatively you can pay your rates by mail. Cheques must be made payable to Bathurst Regional Council. All cheques need to be crossed "Not Negotiable".
- Please also include the deposit slip and forward to Bathurst Regional Council, PMB 17 BATHURST NSW 2795.
- Payment can be made through any Commonwealth Bank Branch. You do not need to hold an account with the bank. Complete the details on the bank deposit slip on the front of the notice. The bank will stamp the rate notice and return it to you as a receipt.
- For the convenience of Ratepayers, an after hours mailbox is located near the main entrance door of the Council Main Building fronting 158 Russell Street, for delivery of after hours mail. A receipt will only be issued if requested at the time of payment.
Direct Debit
Direct Debit your rate payments by completing a Direct Debit Request form and submit it to Council. Payment options can be in full, quarterly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly and commence from your nominated starting date. Rate notices are posted to you as information only. No charges apply to deductions unless payment is rejected.
The form must be completed and signed before being forwarded to Council either in person, by fax or posted to: General Manager Bathurst Regional Council PMB 17 Bathurst NSW 2795.
Direct Debit Application Form
Have your savings or credit card and rate notice details in front of you for payments by phone or internet. Contact your financial institution to arrange access to BPAY.
Due Dates for Rate Instalments
Under the NSW Local Government Act (1993) payment of rates must be paid in full or by instalments. Instalments must be paid by the end of August, November, February, May otherwise interest will be charged.
Exemption from Rates
If a property is a church, school, charitable institution, hospital or the like, a rate exemption may be able to be claimed. For further details please contact the Rates Section on 6333 6132.
Pension Rebates
A ratepayer who is an eligible pensioner may be entitled to a rebate for rates and charges. A pro-rata rebate-proportional to the number of quarterly periods remaining, may apply should he/she become a pensioner after the issue date of their rates notice. Those people eligible for a rebate must present their pensioner concession card to the Rates Section. For further details please contact the Rates Section on 6333 6132.
Pensioner Concession Application Form(PDF, 166KB)
Arrangements to Pay
Those Rate Payers who are suffering financial difficulties or are unable to pay their rate instalment in full should contact Council's Rates Section on 6333 6132, to make alternate payment arrangements.
Hardship Rate Relief Policy(PDF, 102KB)
(PDF, 158KB)Fact Sheet Land Values and Council Rates(PDF, 158KB)
Valuer General Newsletter(PDF, 96KB)
Water Meter Reading
Council carries out meter readings quarterly to calculate Water charges if applicable. The resulting water charges are shown on the next rate instalment notice. Special Meter readings can also be arranged for property sales to show the amount of water used on a pro-rata basis.
Section 603 Certificates
Section 603 Certificates provide confirmation of property and ownership details, including all outstanding rates and charges. If you are thinking about purchasing a property it is advisable to obtain a Section 603 Certificate. S603 Certificates may be purchased at the cost of $95 from 1 July 2023. Use the link below to apply online.
Section 603 Certificate / Water Meter Certificates Application
Change of Address
Change of Address Form