Floodplain Management

Floodplain Management Policy

The objective of the Floodplain Management Policy is to implement and maintain a Floodplain Management Strategy. In addition to outlining the areas affected by flooding and the criteria for assessing proposals for development within these areas, the Policy makes provision for development of flood protected land. There are currently six identified areas of flood protected land;

  • Behind the Havannah Street Levee
  • Morrisset Street Levee
  • Stockland Drive Levee
  • Kelso Industrial Area Levee
  • Upfold Street
  • Gilmour Street

Council's Floodplain Management Policy can be accessed in Flood History.

Flood Level Certificate

What is a Flood Level Certificate?

A Flood Level Certificate provides information on the potential impacts of flooding on a property during the 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood event.

If Council possesses flood information for the subject land, the certificate will give an estimate flood level for the property in Australian Height Datum (AHD). A Flood Level Certificate is only available where Council has in its possession flood studies or historical information, and does not take into consideration Council's planning controls or policies.

Applying for a Flood Level Certificate

Applicants must complete and submit Council's Application for Flood Levels(PDF, 166KB) and pay the appropriate fee.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain the services of a Registered Surveyor in order to determine the actual site levels. A copy of the site levels must be submitted with the application.

Flood Impact Assessment

Applicants must complete and submit Council's Application for Flood Impact Assessment and remit the appropriate fee.

A Flood Impact Assessment is required to determine if a proposed development upon flood prone land would have an effect on the behaviour of the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event.

Council undertakes the Flood Impact Assessment as a Consultancy Service using its computer based flood model.  Alternatively, a private consulting engineer with appropriate experience in flood modelling may be engaged to provide this service.

Follow the link to view and complete Council's Flood Impact Assessment application form(PDF, 120KB)


Flood Mitigation Works

Kelso Industrial Park Levee

Built in the 1970s and raised in the 1990s, commences with the railway embankment at Raglan Creek and running south around the end of Toronto and Zagreb Streets, finishes near White Rock Road.

Kelso Industrial Park Levee


Raglan Creek Levee

This is a minor levee located adjacent to Raglan Creek south of the Great Western Highway. While not part of the Floodplain Management Plan, this levee forms part of protection works for Bathurst.

Raglan Levee

Havannah Street Levee

This levee starts at the Old Vale Creek; runs along the Showground boundary through Cousins Park to the western abutment of the Evans Bridge. From this point it runs along the rear of river properties past Baillie, Howick and Bryant Streets to the western abutment of the railway bridge along Acheron Street, across Russell Street, around the electrical substation and Loco Oval and terminates at the railway embankment. Click here to view construction images...(PDF, 371KB)

Havannah Street Levee

Morrisset Street Levee

Starts at Jordan Creek, runs parallel to the river, past Stanley, Peel and Hope Streets, and ends at the intersection of Commonwealth and Morrisset Streets. A separate spur levee is located adjacent to the Sewer Treatment Works and ends at Macquarie Street. View constructions images here...(PDF, 212KB)

Morrisset Levee

Upfold Street Levee

Commences at Russell Street and runs along Queen Charlotte Vale Creek around the end of Upfold Street, then along the river, terminating along Upfold Street adjacent to the Bathurst Greyhound Club.


Upfold Street Levee

Gilmour Levee

Starts at the Great Western Highway and runs parallel to Gilmour Street; across Church Street and Stephens Lane; terminating north of the Gilmour and Hereford Street intersection.

Gilmour Street Levee

Proposed Carlingford Street Levee

Commences at Alpha Street and proceeds around the ends of Railway, Carlingford and Beresford Streets, terminating at the rear of properties on the Vale Road.

Carlingford Street Levee

Proposed Perthville Levee

To run parallel with Queen Charlotte Vale Creek from the Perthville Nursery to bridge abutment on Bridge Street; then along Perth and North Streets.

Perthville Levee

Flood History


The City of Bathurst and surrounding areas has experienced varying degrees of flooding during its history as a result of flooding of the Macquarie River and its tributaries.  Severe flooding has most recently been experienced in 1986, 1990 and 1998.

A Committee of Inquiry into the August 1986 Bathurst Floods was held.  Please see the Executive Summary(PDF, 498KB)  for further details.

In 1995 Council adopted a Floodplain Management Plan and Policy, following investigation of a wide range of floodplain management measures and studies.  For further information, please refer to the Floodplain Management Plan(PDF, 3MB)

Council prepared Floodplain Risk Management Plans for each of the villages of Georges Plains and Sofala.  The purpose of each Plan was to examine the flood liability and effects of flooding on the villages near Bathurst, not contained in Council's Floodplain Management Plan 1995, and to recommend floodplain management options.

Council at its meeting held 20 August 2008 resolved to adopt the Georges Plains Floodplain Risk Management Plan and the Sofala Floodplain Risk Management Plan (these plans can be accessed in Bathurst Regional Council Studies), and to update the Bathurst Regional Council Floodplain Management Policy to include these Plans.

Council has made provision in accordance with the Financial Management Planning process for implementation of these Plans.

The objective of the Floodplain Management Policy(PDF, 4MB) is to implement and maintain a Floodplain Management Strategy.  In addition to outlining the areas affected by flooding, and the criteria for assessing proposals for development within these areas, the Policy makes provision for development of flood protected land.

There are currently six identified areas of flood protected land:-

  • Behind the Havannah Street Levee
  • Morrisset Street Levee
  • Stockland Drive Levee (Raglan Creek)
  • Kelso Industrial Estate Levee
  • Upfold Street
  • Gilmour Street

NSW Flood Imagery 


Ranken Bridge Eglinton

Ranken Bridge Flood

Railway Bridge Lower Russell Street

Railway Bridge Flood

Macquarie River CBD Kelso

Bathurst Flood

Upfold Street South Bathurst

Upfold Street South Bathurst