The Bathurst Region Vegetation Management Plan 2019 (VMP) provides strategies and recommendations for vegetation management across the region, particularly land under the care and control of Council. It has been developed in recognition of the vegetation within the City, the rural villages, significant natural bushland, riverine environments, floodplains and agricultural landscapes across the region.
The VMP has been structured into a number of vegetation themes. For each theme, the plan provides a framework of vegetation management techniques, design principles and recommended projects for completion.
The VMP update was prepared by the environmental consultants Molino Stewart and adopted by Council in February 2019. The original Bathurst Vegetation Management Plan was adopted by Council in 2003 and was prepared by Terra Consulting Pty Ltd and authored by Barbara Mactaggart. The update to the Bathurst Vegetation Management Plan has been produced using the same structural format as the original report along with substantial extractions, in whole or part, of text, tables and appendices.
Download a copy of the Bathurst Region Vegetation Management Plan(PDF, 2MB) and associated maps: