Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plan - Bathurst Regional Rural Roadworks(PDF, 134KB)
Land to which the Plan applies
The Plan applies to land zoned RU1 Primary Production, RU4 Primary Production Small Lots, RU5 Village, E4 Environmental Living and R5 Large Lot Residential (at Mount Rankin, The Lagoon, Trunkey Creek and Wattle Flat) within the Bathurst Regional Local Government Area (LGA).
Contributions paid to Council will fund rural road network infrastructure improvements.
This development contribution will generally only apply if you are subdividing land, or building more than one dwelling on an existing lot. In these cases, conditions of consent will be imposed requiring a payment in accordance with the adopted contributions Plan. There are also a number of specific circumstances where contributions under this Plan will be required. These include:
- residential, rural and village subdivisions (ie the creation of additional dwelling entitlements); and
- secondary dwellings (granny flat), second rural dwelling, dual occupancies, residential units, shop top housing or rural workers dwellings on all land; and
- residential development on land classified as an "existing holding"; and
- residential development on rural land where a dwelling is permissible because the allotment was created under a previous LEP; and
- residential development on land identified within Schedule 1 – Additional uses of land pursuant to the Bathurst Regional LEP 2014; and
- residential development on land zoned RU5 Village or E4 Environmental Living pursuant to the Bathurst Regional LEP 2014.
NOTE: Alterations and additions to existing dwellings do not attract development contributions.