Published on 03 September 2024
Electors can vote early from this Saturday, 7 September in the Bathurst Regional Council elections ahead of election day on Saturday, 14 September.
Pre-poll venues will be operating from Saturday, 7 September until Friday 13 September (excluding Sunday, 8 September), at:
General Manager David Sherley said pre-poll venues will be open Monday to Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:30pm, Thursday: 8:30am - 8pm, Friday: 8am - 6pm and Saturday: 9am - 6pm.
“If you won’t be able to vote on election day – Saturday, 14 September – make sure you plan how you will vote well in advance.”
“All voters are eligible to vote in person during the early voting period and postal voting is available to those who meet certain eligibility criteria,” said Mr Sherley.
“Postal voting applications are already open for eligible voters. Voters can check their eligibility on the NSW Electoral Commission website.”
Applications for postal voting close at 5pm, Monday 9 September. Voters must complete their postal vote certificate and ballot papers by 6pm on election day. Once completed, these must be returned in the reply paid envelope provided and be received by the NSW Electoral Commission by 6pm, Friday 27 September.
Mr Sherley said anyone unsure about whether they are required to vote in this election to check their enrolment status using the “Find my electorate” tool on the NSW Electoral Commission website.
“If you are enrolled as a resident in the Bathurst Region or have registered as a non-resident you will need to vote. Voting at this election is compulsory.
“Information on polling booth locations on election day is available on the NSW Electoral commission website using the where do I vote tool,” Mr Sherley said.
Photo credit: Photo supplied by New South Wales Electoral Commission.