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Council has a long established set of criteria for assessing the contribution of a building to the streetscape. This is known as the Bathurst Conservation Area Management Strategy (BCAMS). Council uses this information during the development assessment process.
Council officers, in conjunction with its Heritage Advisor, undertook a review of the BCAMS listing of the buildings within the Bathurst City and West Bathurst Heritage Conservation Areas. As part of the review a visual inspection was undertaken to ascertain the approximate age of the building and how the building contributes to the streetscape. It should be noted that the age of the building is based on a visual inspection, identifying building features that represent a period of construction.
Based on the information collected, Council has developed 2 maps which illustrate the approximate age of the building and their level of contribution to the streetscape.
These maps can be used as a guide to the approximate age of a building and to provide more certainty as to the contribution the building makes to the Heritage Conservation Area.