Vegetation in Roadsides and Public Reserves
Bathurst Regional Council supports the protection and conservation of roadside vegetation. As well as being aesthetically pleasing as you drive along country roads, it is important to look after these areas as they conserve remnant native vegetation and provide habitat for native animals. They can also act as important wildlife corridors for animals moving between areas of bushland. Roadside reserves can also contain threatened plant and animal species which increases the importance of managing these areas well.
In conjunction with Local Land Services (LLS), an awareness video has been produced about the conservation of Roadside vegetation, click here to watch. Alternatively, a shortened 30 second video is available here...
Firewood collection from roadsides and public reserves is strictly prohibited. Removing or damaging plants, rocks or other materials is also prohibited.
Council’s Roadside Vegetation Management Plan defines the strategic framework and management principles in all non-urban roadsides and can be downloaded below:-
Roadside Vegetation Management Plan(PDF, 13MB)
Roadside Vegetation Map(PDF, 5MB)