Council Elections

The next Local Government Election is scheduled to be held on Saturday 14 September 2024.

On 18 May 2022 Council resolved to engage the NSW Electoral Commissioner to administer any elections, polls or referenda for Council at the 2024 Local Government Elections. 

This page will be updated with further information as we near the elections. 

More information can be found on the NSW Electoral Commission Website

Non-Residential Roll Applications:
- Form 1 (Individuals)(PDF, 196KB)
- Form 2 (Nominee Application)(PDF, 188KB)
For further information about non-residential rolls, please visit the 2024 NSW Local Government Elections website

Candidate nominations: 

To find out more about being nominated as a candidate or group of candidates visit the NSWEC website.

Register to start campaigning:

Find out more about registering as a candidate or group of candidates here

ALGWA Election Forum:

The Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) hosted a forum in Bathurst for women interested in standing for Council in this year’s local government elections. The ALGWA NSW executive members shared their knowledge and experience to support women attendees.

The forum was held on Saturday 29 June 2024.

Pre-election candidate information sessions & webinars:

The NSW Electoral Commission is hosting a series of webinars for election participants will also be held in the lead-up to the elections, commencing in May 2024.
Below you will find a list of each candidate webinar topic and date/time:

 Webinar Topic  Time/Date  Registration Link 
 Candidate Information  11am Tuesday 21 May 2024  View
 Election funding, disclosures and compliance:   11am Tuesday 18 June 2024  View
 Nominations:  11am Thursday 27 June 2024   View
 Third-party campaigners:  11am Tuesday 9 July 2024  View
 Electoral material, compliance and voting:  11am Tuesday 6 August 2024  Register here
 Candidate workers and scrutineers:  11am Tuesday 20 August 2024  Register here
 Counting and results:  11am Tuesday 10 September 2024  Register here
 Post-election disclosure obligations:  11am Tuesday 15 October 2024  Register here


Council is hosting pre-election candidate information sessions.

The sessions will be held in the Council Chamber:

  • 10.30am - 12noon Wednesday 17 July  
  • 5.30pm - 7pm Thursday 18 July 2024

To register email or call 6333 6111.

The NSW Electoral Commission provides a helpdesk for candidates to answer questions in relation to their candidature or election processes. The helpdesk is particularly useful for those candidates in regional and rural areas where the Returning Officer’s office may be some distance from where the candidate lives.

The Candidate helpdesk is operational Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and can be contacted by phone on 1300 022 011 or via email at

Key Dates:
5 August 2024 
  • 8.00am: Lodgement of candidate nominations open.
  • 6.00pm: Non-Residential Rolls close.
6 August 2024
  • Lodgement of postal vote applications open.
14 August 2024
  • 12 noon: Close of nominations and close of registration of candidates and groups.
15 August 2024
  • 2.00pm: Ballot paper draw conducted.
19 August 2024
  • Postal vote distribution begins. 
7 September 2024
  • Pre-polling period opens. (Pre-poll venue is yet to be determined.) 
9 September 2024
  • 5.00pm: Postal vote applications close. 
13 September 2024
  • Pre-poll voting closes. 
14 September 2024 
  • 8.00am - 6.00pm: Election Day
27 September 2024 
  • End of postal vote returns. 
30 September 2024 
  • Start of progressive distribution of preferences. 
1-3 October 2024
  • Start of progressive declaration of results.