

ACECQA is the new national body ensuring early childhood education and care across Australia is high quality. ACECQA will oversee the important changes to early childhood education and care and school age care in Australia.

Phone: 1800 181 088




Asthma Foundation of NSW

The Asthma Foundation of NSW informs and educates the community about asthma related issues and supports people with Asthma in achieving a healthy lifestyle while managing their asthma.

Phone: 1800 645 130



Australian Childhood Immunisation Register

The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register records a childs immunisation history and provides a statement to parents. Copies of the immunisation history can be requested online, at your local Medicare office or by phone.

Phone: 1800 653 809



Bathurst Community Health Centre

Bathurst Community Health Centre provides a range of free services to the local community including child and family health, speech pathology, audiometry, counselling, Aboriginal maternal & infant health and women's health.

Phone: (02) 6330 5677



Bathurst Early Intervention Service

The Bathurst Early Intervention Service assists families with skills including social and emotional development as well as language and communication.

Phone: (02) 6338 4453



Bathurst Family Support Service

Bathurst Family Support Service is a non government and non-profit organisation that has been providing support and service to families in the Bathurst and Oberon area since 1980.

Phone: (02) 6331 7022


Centacare Bathurst

Centacare provide a range of social welfare services to children and families across the local region.

Phone: (02) 6331 8944


Community Child Care Association

Community Child Care Co-operative(CCCC)is a NSW based non-profit organisation working in the education and care services sector, CCCC aims to inspire early education and care services, influence government policy, practices and programs so that children within NSW have access to quality education and care services that meet the needs of their communities.



Department of Human Services and Family Assistance Office

These organisations assist with the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, they assist in working to build stronger families and communities.




Family Day Care Australia

Family Day Care is an approved form of child care that is provided by registered Educators in their own homes. Educators are early childhood professionals who are supported by the local Family Day Care Coordination unit.



Healthy Kids

The Healthy Kids website has been designed as a 'one stop shop' for parents, carers, teachers and child care workers with information on healthy eating and physical activity.


Kids Helpline

24 hour counselling and support for young people

Phone: 1800 55 1800



Kidsafe is a non profit, charity organisation that aims to promote awareness of child safety issues and injury through the development of resources and public education.

Phone: (02) 9845 0890


Maggie Dents

Maggie Dent is an author, educator and parenting and resilience specialist with a particular interest in the early years and adolescence. Maggie is a passionate advocate for the healthy, common sense raising of children to strengthen families and communities.


Starting Blocks

This website has information on different types of child care and how to get assistance with the cost of child care. You can search the database to find out information regarding child care centres in you local area.



Bathurst has a number of playgroups, these are informal sessions where parents and children have the opportunity to interact with each other. Playgroups help children make friends and develop skills, they also allow parents to make friends and share ideas.


Poisons Information

National 24 hour poisons information line

Phone: 13 11 26


Raising Children

Raising Children is a partnership of member organisations of Australia's leading early childhood agencies, the Raising Children website is produced with the help of an extensive network including the Australian Government.


Sue Larkey - Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sue Larkey is a highly qualified Educator who taught many students with autism spectrum disorder, she has also authored many book on this topic. Sue now runs entertaining and informative workshops on autism spectrum disorder.