Local Traffic Committee

Transport for NSW, formerly Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), is the legislative body responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in NSW.
RMS has delegated aspects of traffic control on local roads to Councils; the most effective way to deal with traffic related matters on roads is to deal with them locally.
The Local Traffic Committee (LTC) is primarily a technical review committee. It advises Council on traffic control matters that have been referred to Council. These matters must be related to prescribed traffic control devices or traffic control facilities for which Council has delegated authority.
The Committee has 4 formal (voting) members:-
A Local Council representative
A NSW Police Force representative
An Transport for NSW representative
The local State Member of Parliament (MP) or their nominee
How Does it Operate?
Local Councils must refer all traffic related matters to the LTC prior to exercising its delegated powers. Matters related to classified roads or functions that have not been delegated to Council must be referred directly to Transport for NSW or relevant organisation, not the LTC. However, the Transport for NSW will generally seek the views of Council on classified road traffic issues, via the general traffic advice process.
The LTC considers the technical merits of each proposal it receives and ensures that the proposal meets current technical guidelines. The LTC has no decision-making powers, and local Councils are not bound by the advice of LTCs.
The LTC is not a committee under the Local Government Act 1993.
The operating arrangements for the LTC are contained within the RTA Guidelines - A guide to the delegation to councils for the regulation of traffic, including the operation of Traffic Committees.
The LTC meeting is a face-to-face meeting held monthly in the office of Council.
All proposals recommended by the LTC must be formally approved by the elected local Council, subject to certain limitations.
Can a Member of the Public attend a Local Traffic Committee Meeting?
LTC meetings do not have public galleries. However, the LTC may allow residents or other interested stakeholders to address the committee. The LTC may agree to limit the number of public presenters on any particular item and/or place time limits on them.
Under no circumstances are residents or other non-member stakeholders permitted to remain at a meeting while the proposal is debated and a vote taken by the members.
[Prepared utilising the Roads and Traffic Authority - A Guide to delegation to Councils for the regulation of traffic including the operation of Traffic Committees May 07]