Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve Management Plan
The Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve Management Plan was prepared in 2021 by Bathurst Regional Council in consultation with key stakeholders. The plan was placed on public exhibition in August 2021 and was adopted by Council on 20 October 2021.
Bathurst Regional Council’s Bathurst Region Vegetation Management Plan (BRVMP) identifies that the development of specific management plans for key remnant vegetation areas of high conservation value is essential in the management of existing areas of remnant vegetation to improve their environmental, recreational, and visual qualities and attributes through protection and enhancement. It is this strategy that underpins the development of this Management Plan (MP) for Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve, West Bathurst.
The Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve Management Plan also aligns with Council’s Council-managed Crown Land Draft Plan of Management (CMCL POM), whose management framework sets out objectives specific to Council-managed Crown Land that is identified as ‘Park’ and ‘Natural Area – Bushland’ under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. The CMCL POM states that the use of parks is promoted and facilitated for the general enjoyment of residents and visitors, and that management of community lands is consistent with Councils environmental planning strategies including the BRVMP and Council adopted environmental planning directions implemented for the Reserves.
The Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve Management Plan provides strategies and recommendations for improving environmental condition and protecting and enhancing this woodland reserve.
Reserve Description
Located adjacent to Alexander and Suttor Streets West Bathurst, Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve is a 5.8-hectare area of Crown Land managed by Bathurst Regional Council. The area includes the northern section of ‘Brooke Moore Oval’ referred to as Brooke Moore Reserve, Alexander Street Reserve, and a small section of Hector Park north of the Bathurst Indoor Sports Stadium referred to as Hector Park Box-Gum Grassy Woodland.

Image: Aerial view of Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve comprising Brooke Moore Reserve, Alexander Street Reserve and part of Hector Park.
The area is of high conservation value as identified in the Bathurst Biodiversity Management Plan (BBMP) (Mactaggart & Goldney, 2012), containing one of only a few remaining examples of the Critically Endangered Ecological Community (CEEC) White Box, Yellow Box, Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland (Box-Gum Grassy Woodland) in the Bathurst urban area.The reserve is also identified as an important part of the Mount Panorama Woodland Precinct that also includes Boundary Road Reserve, Blayney Road Common, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, Bathurst Archery Range and Albens Reserve.
Images coming soon...
Images clockwise from top left: Brooke Moore Reserve, Alexander Street Reserve and Hector Park Box-Gum Grassy Woodland make up the Brooke Moore Woodland Reserve.