Module 1 - The Water Cycle

Hi there, I'm Murray, Brooke and Eddy's dad. Today we're going to learn about
The Water Cycle

Quick Links
Module Overview
Learning Elements
What is the water cycle and how does it rain?
What are clouds made from?
Where does the rain go?
Each learning element contains one or more: guided group discussion and activities. The delivery of the learning elements is supported by a range of specially designed fun activities sheets and support resources.
This web page offers a brief experience of this module and it's learning elements.
The downloadable version of the module program contains more detailed information including:
Alignments to the Early Years Learning Framework
Key terms
Background information
Links to additional support resources, links and materials
Module Content

Hi kids! Eddy thinks it's so cool watching the rain fall. Have you ever wondered where the rain comes from?
Learning Element 1: What is the water cycle and how does it rain?
Group discussion - Where does water come from and how does it get there?
Activity: Water cycle role play using musical instruments and movement?
Children learn about the key elements in the water cycle - the sun, the clouds, the rain, the land, the river, the ocean.
Resources for learning - Musical instruments, e.g. triangle, wind chime, cymbals, castanets, clap sticks, dry rice in a plastic jar with lid, xylophone and drum
Activity: Complete the water cycle activity sheet

Mum Delta has been outside and found some amazing shapes in the clouds? Let's go outside and find cloud shapes too.
Learning Element 2: What are clouds made from?
Group discussion - What are clouds? Are they all the same shape, size and colour?
Activity: Cloud study - outdoor activity using observation and reflection skills
Activity: Cloud creations
Children learn about clouds by observing them then recreating them using art & craft materials
Resource for learning - Activity Sheet: Cloud Template; A4 card/paper, cotton wool pieces, scrap newspaper, paints, blue ribbon or blue paper (or similar), sticky tape, hold punch, string
Brooke has been following the rain when it falls on the ground. Do you know where rain goes?
Learning Element 3: Where does rain go?
Group discussion - Where does the water go when it rains and what happens to it?
Activity: Making it rain - an experiment
Children learn how rain impacts on various surfaces, and what happens to the 'rain' they create, in the sun and shade
Resource for learning - 1 litre clear plastic bottles with lids and/or small watering cans with rain flow spout; sharp scissors (or similar, for educators only); bucket of water.